What a beautiful family! I met the Rai's in Sandwell Valley Country Park on a Sunday afternoon. The weather was great and after a bit of a pep talk, they were happy to have an amble around the park for their photo shoot.
Their initial reservation about having photo's taken in public were quickly dispelled once we got going. I think they were also at put at ease by knowing that if anyone was going to get attention, it would have been me, hiding in bushes and hopping through flower beds. They were safe.
The family were super friendly and very hospitable. Mr.Rai was self employed and had been convinced by his wife to take a couple of hours out from his busy Sunday (I thought it was only photogrpahers that work on Sundays) for their family photo shoot.
Its so nice discovering new places to take family photos in Birmingham too, we were spoint for choice in Sandwell Valley Country Park.
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