You probably don't remember, but back in October I ran a small newsletter and Facebook competition to win a 'Couples Lifestyle Shoot'. The aim was to find a couple who were really keen for me to document their relationship, their lives and how they live it together. I wanted to capture something real, touching and ultimately their love as they expereince it every day.
Well, I was blown away by some of the responses I recieved and I'm sure Tracey wont mind me sharing hers with you...
It also became clear to me too how this unit, this couple had actually grown and become something even more since the birth of their son, so there was no way I could leave him out of the shoot. So what was a couples lifestyle shoot turned into a family lifestyle shoot on location and at their home.
Here's what Tracey responded with:
"What a fantastic giveaway. I love that you are going to capture someone's relationship honestly. I love to take photos of our family just eating at the dining table or getting ready for the day ahead. I have taken almost 25,000 in the last couple of years! The man in the Apple shop said its the most he had ever seen on a phone!
Here's my story.
The love of my life is my husband Michael. We met at work a long time ago and were good friends for ages. I would drive him home and after a year or so he finally plucked up the courage to ask me in for a drink!
Michael is the most caring and wonderful person I have ever met, he wanted to give me a romantic engagement so popped the question in Cinderella's castle at Disney World. It was really incredible! We married on bonfire night in 2011 and we felt even more connected than ever before. Our beautiful son was born in 2013 which made our lives complete. We never thought we could be happier but here I am pregnant again and already loving our beautiful bump!
We always ring each other as soon as we finish work as we both have a long commute home. He makes me laugh and keeps me sane.
We love nothing better than cuddles on the sofa or walking through the fields near our home. Simple things and spending time together make us so happy. We always make sure that Sunday's are family days. We had an engagement photo taken on a step at our wedding venue, (Wroxall Abbey, Wren's Cathedral) then one year later we had a wedding photo taken on the same step, so we had to do it again when our son was christened there. So, if we were lucky enough to win we would love to have another photo on that step!
Thanks for reading.
Tracey. "
Well Tracey, you got your image on the step (although I've kept those ones just for you, away from this blog post) and also plenty more soft, docuemntary lifestyle shots at home. Looking back on this day, it was so great to meet people whom really appreciate the work I do for the reasons I do it. To the Foleys, I wasnt any photographer offering a lifestyle shoot. Tracey explained that she had met me at one of the first ever fairs I did a couple of years ago and had stayed in contact with my newsletters since.
If anyone else would like to sign up to my newsletter for future giveaways and family photography tips just pop your e-mail address in the box, its that simple.

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